Saturday 2 May 2009

Bad Cinema

What can I say about this film. It is disturbing and thought provoking, but that is exactly how it was meant to be. Larry Clark had something to say and wanted to get his poitn across as effectively as possible. Youth culture has changed significantly from the time our parents and grandparents grew up in. Children are behaving more like adults at an earlier age. This film makes the obviously clear. There is a deep message of what can happen to you when you have unprotected sex even once. It shows the choices kids can make if they have no parental guidance. It seems as though they all parent each other if you can call it that. The girls are not respected and are treated as objects while the boys assurt their dominance. In the end who is better off, HIV is being passed around like a can of pop and the film ends with Telly still not knowing he is infected and Casper also getting infected due to raping Jenny. Did he get what he deserved?

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